Things to Take Care of While Taking Care of a Dog

Have you been wanting to adopt a new furry friend for the longest time? If you’ve never taken care of a dog before, one thing you should remember is that they are more than just a cute addition to your home. Like humans, pets require special care, such as regular mealtimes, exercise, and dog grooming at Chapel Hill.

Top dog care tips for the new pet parent

  • Feeding

Dogs require proper nutrition to stay healthy and energetic. Their meals must be complete and balanced, filled with proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Whether you’re buying pet food or making it yourself, you should ensure that their daily meals consist of these nutrients.

Moreover, dogs at different life stages require different meals. Here is an overview of how often you should feed dogs a day:

  • Four meals for eight- to 12-week-old puppies
  • Three meals for three- to six-month-old puppies
  • Two meals for six- to 12-month-old puppies
  • One meal for one-year-old dogs
  • Exercise and training

Of course, your dog doesn’t have to eat all the time.They will also require a lot of activity, helping burn calories and stimulate the mind. The amount of exercise a dog needs will depend on its breed, sex, age, and level of health. For example, Golden Retrievers are very active and require at least two hours of physical activity per day. Meanwhile, smaller breeds like the Maltese can stay healthy with a 30-minute walk a day.

  • Healthcare

Dogs are highly prone to health issues, and their problems can vary by breed. For instance, Cocker Spaniels and Basset Hounds tend to suffer from ear diseases, while some dogs can have skin problems and parasites due to their environment.

If you notice anything odd about your pup, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. In addition, avoid giving them any medication that has not been prescribed by your vet.

  • Grooming

Grooming keeps your dog clean, reduces shedding, and minimizes the risk of tick and flea infestation. If your new friend has a thick coat, brush them regularly to get rid of mats. Moreover, avoid using shampoo with harmful ingredients, such as synthetic fragrances, artificial colors, and preservatives.

You can also take your new friend to dog grooming at Chapel Hill for a more thorough cleaning.

Don’t have the time to groom your new pup? You can take them to a professional instead! Expert dog grooming at Chapel Hillwill ensure your furry friend looks clean and smells great, using only the grooming tools and techniques. Plus, their services are reasonably priced!

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